May 24, 2022 No Comments axis808

Started day three out with a brisk 36 degree morning and a crescent moon with Jupiter and Saturn aligned. So I knew at that point the odds might be in my favor for something big.

Our plan was to leave Huntershill and check out a nearby farm for some totally “free range” game and hopefully a nice Kudu Bull.

We arrived at the farm and were greeted by the owner, a very friendly Afrikaner named Dewalt who raises over 400 cattle on this specific property. He helped our PH Brett Stone survey the area, and told us he’d been seeing some really huge Bulls in thickets at the base of a small mountain.

We then all jumped in the “buggy”, a supped up version of a Toyota Tacoma and headed up trails to the mountain base as far as possible. The plan was to hike up the mountain side to a large outcropping of rocks, and scope out the area.

After a fairly strenuous 45 min climb straight up the hill we arrived at our vantage point.

Within about 15 minutes we glassed several cows and a small Bull. Then a few minutes later our tracker Joseph spotted two Bulls about 200 meters directly below us in the thicket and one was huge!

Our PH took me quietly down the hillside about 20 meters and we set up on a large boulder and watched.

After maybe ten minutes of nervous anticipation, the larger Bull cleared the brush about 200 meters away and offered the perfect opportunity.

Brett let me know the time was right and I was able connect with a well placed round.

After field dressing and getting him loaded into the truck, the farm owner invited us over to his home to talk story and have a couple beers. We then headed back to the Lodge, and unloaded him at the processing shack where the skinning and meat cutting happen.

After measuring the horn length I learned that it came out at 53 3/4 in which is the largest Bull harvested here at Huntershill so far this year!